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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Some Rib Action

Happy Sunday!

Quick post today.

So I was laying on the bed this morning with my feet hanging off.  This is the pose that makes me the skinniest I can be.  I mean, it's the same pose I strike when trying to zip up or button too-tight pants.  It slims me.  But anyway, I was wearing my comfy pajama pants and had my tank top pulled up so that I could use my stomach as a drum. Don't pretend you've never done it!  If you really haven't, you should.  It's highly amusing as the tone of the "drum" changes based upon what you've eaten or drank.

ANYWAY.  I'm so darn easily distracted today.  My husband looks over while I'm drumming away and says "Sweetie.  You've got some rib action going on over there."  Sure enough, he was right.  Not that it's visible when I'm standing but without intentionally sucking it in, I've got "rib action."

Guess the workouts ARE working.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Diet vs Boobs

We've all heard women complain that the first place on their body that loses weight is their breasts.  I wouldn't mind if that happened to me as long as I lost weight all over so I'm at least proportioned.  They're kinda big and a pain anyway.

So a few weeks ago, I had to start putting on my bras by using the middle of the three rows in the back.  I was like,
"Huh?  Guess I lost weight around my rib cage.  Maybe I'll luck out and go down a cup size."
Then last week, I had to start putting on my bras by using the tightest of the three rows in the back.  I was like,
"Weird.  Maybe these bras are all stretchy so I can't tell the cup difference."
Then this morning I put on a bra and realized  that it was so loose that it was bra shopping day.  I went to Kohl's, picked up a few bras, tried them on and bought this cute Olga one (below - Kohl's model pictured) along with some more serviceable ones and some underwear that don't look like saggy old lady undies.  Yep.  I lost weight in my butt too.  Some clothes look better, but some like the underwear...  not so flattering.

But...  I just bought a smaller size band.  This diet hates me.  I swear my boobs are bigger.  I bought my normal cup size since I kinda refuse to buy anything in the ridiculous size ranges.

Another weird thing I've noticed lately:  my socks don't fit properly.  I don't think I suffered from fat-foot-syndrome and that I've lost weight in my feet, but what other explanation is there?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Plateau is Over

Thank God!

I finally lost a pound.  I've been panicking.  I know, I know!  It's not all about the weight.  I totally took a pic on Monday and compared it to the pic I took 2 weeks ago.  I am definitely seeing a difference.  Especially in my waist/belly area.  I'm halfway done with the 30 Day Shred and although I might hate Jillian Michaels, I gotta admit that the chick knows her workouts.

I'm currently debating between the Insanity workout and P90X.  I have both available and am unsure which to take on first.  They're both supposed to be great workouts.  Insanity has been nicknamed Intensity.  So maybe I should take that as a warning.  Plus, if I start P()X on the Monday after I finish the 30 Day Shred, I'll finish it 2 days before Thanksgiving.  Talk about earning your dinner.

Opinions?  Thoughts?  Comments?  Suggestions?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's Christmas in July!

I've been busting my butt all weekend doing chores.  Here is what I did in lieu of a conventional workout:
  • I spent hours weeding the garden
  • The mower's auto feature broke so I got to push it while mowing the lawn
  • I moved a couch, 2 tables, 2 heavy chairs, an ottoman, and a monopoly table.
  • I steam cleaned the carpet in the den/my gym.
  • I helped my husband with the "attic" we're building.
  • I used the stairs 17 times during regular chores like laundry and running my husband refreshments
It was Christmas for a while yesterday.  We went to Border's bookstore.  They're liquidating so I got some awesome deals on yoga and pilates dvds.  I've been wanting to try them to see what all the fuss is about.  I also got a really nice digital food scale and a Misto that were both in the clearance section.

So now it's Sunday night and I've caught myself watching the QVC shopping television channel.  I've never bought anything off of there, but I just can't resist when they're featuring Christmas items.  They are doing a big Christmas in July sale and it's gotten me thinking about the holidays.  Specifically about gifts.

 I'm really lucky and have some people in my life who love to buy gifts.  Especially at Christmas time.  Problem is, I can never come up with things to put on a wish list and this causes me to get harassed for weeks.  This year, I want to have a nice list so that no one is stressed.  Wanna help me? The only thing I have on my wish list is a Bissell carpet steamer/cleaner thus far and that's not going to cut it.  It's not that there aren't things I want, I just forget them.  Gifts aren't really all that important to me. I'd be just as happy if someone just sent me a lovely card.  I just like being thought of.   BUT.  That doesn't fly.  Especially with my mother-in-law.  She wants a list, so that is my task.  There have to be some health/fitness related things that I can put on there.  Hey!  Maybe a nice weight set?  But which one?ortant to me.

All suggestions welcome!

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Ray of Sunshine.

I hurt.

Not just a pleasant burn in my muscles.  I can barely move without wincing.  People weren't kidding when they said level 2 of the 30 Day Shred was the hardest.  I'm still debating whether I can do day 2 today.  I'm unsure whether I need the recovery day or if working out would stretch the muscles and make me feel better.  Anyone care to make the decision for me?

It's Friday!  Boo.  I know most people love Fridays.  They're not my favorite.  Don't get me wrong, I love the weekend.  there are just some things about it I'd rather not deal with. My husband's eating habits for one.  He could handle a one meal a day lifestyle and that doesn't really work with my mandatory 6 small meals a day plan.  I'm doing great food-wise today overall:
  • 4 egg scramble on a slice of light toast
  • 4 C of butter and dill popcorn
  • a bowl of honey nut O's with raspberries on top
  • oven fried fish & chips
  • 1 C of Jello devils food chocolate pudding
  • a peanut butter pop

I almost forgot about my ray of sunshine!  I had taken part in a discussion by Oboz Footwear about great hikes.  They liked my hike story that included tubing back down the creek so much that they sent me a gift!

I love surprise visits from the mailman.  Isn't it a nifty thermos bottle?  Thanks Oboz!

Sometimes I get so down on myself that it's nice to get a virtual gold sticker to let me know I'm doing a good job.  The thermos was kinda like that for me today.  I'm so thankful for the people online who have given me a virtual pat on the back, cheered me on, and helped me just by caring.  Sometimes just having someone who understands, is reward enough.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Started Level Two Today

30 Day Shred Level 2 =  kill me now

Here is what I learned or experienced today:
  • It was just as hard as the first day of level 1.
  • I still hate Jillian Michaels and happily told her so whenever I objected to her workout methods.
  • I sweat so much I soaked through my shorts and left an icky damp spot on my mat.
  • Despite deodorant, I smelled really bad.  I honestly offended myself.
  • I literally laid on the floor for 25 minutes after because I could not move.
  • This is a 2 bra workout.  I have horrific chafing under my left breast.  Horrific! (Anyone have a magical cure since this is gonna suck to wear a sports bra tomorrow)
  • Plank-twists are a product of the devil.
  • I followed the more challenging workout example most of the time (except when my knees couldn't take the impact)
  • I want this.  Hopefully I can keep my motivation up. 

 See that picture above?  That's Jillian Michaels.  While I don't look the same as her "before", I see her posture, body language, and expression and am certain I feel the same as her.  She looks upset someone is taking a picture because she doesn't want a reminder of how she looks.  She's covering her stomach hoping to minimize it.  She looks like that picture is just another misery added to her day.  She doesn't feel pretty, just insecure.  i don't want to feel like that anymore.  I want to feel like her "after" picture.  Minus the stink-face of course.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Fat Chick Got Me Down

I feel fat today.

I feel fat and the worst part is that I don't care.  My motivation is gone.  My desire to eat is gone.  I just want to sit here on my butt and watch tv or play around on the computer.  I tell myself, "Come on! Time to move!" and yet continue to sit here instead of getting a snack, working out, or just doing anything.  It's pathetic.

Thank goodness I know the cause and how to fix it.  I slept like crap last night.  My back was aching for no good reason and I just could not get comfy.  Time to stop dwelling and just make plans for tomorrow.  Time to stop worrying about the fat chick I am and concentrate instead about the smaller chick I will be.  This quote is attributed to Christopher Columbus, but I haven't been able to find a solid citation of any kind:

So that's what I need.  To let go of the shore. Who cares about today?  Tomorrow matters.

Tomorrow I'm going to do Day 11 of the 30 Day Shred.  I'm gonna get it done because I promised myself I would.  It's the first day of level 2 and it's supposedly going to kick my butt just as hardcore as the first few days of level 1 did.

Tomorrow I'm going to eat enough calories even if I'm not hungry.

Tomorrow I'm going to mow the lawn and remind myself that pushing the mower equals 350 calories burned.

Tomorrow I'm not letting the fat chick control my thoughts.  I hate that chick.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Diet Advice From an Unlikely Source

I was watching a tv show today.  I'm not actually going to mention the show because I totally judge myself for watching it so I don't need all of you judging me too. But I heard the best diet advice ever.  It really rings true for me and I might even put it up on the wall in my gym.
"Diet food is for lazy people."   ~Ice T
 You know, it is.  I've been obsessing about food for decades.  DECADES.  I love food and hate it at the same time.  How can you not love this:

 Thick, delicious challah bread.  it is SO good and I don't even care that the gluten will kick my butt as it is that worth it.

But why can't I have it? No reason.  I can have anything if I work hard, burn calories, and get fit.  Anything.  Not just food.  i can change my life.  I've been looking at this all the wrong way.  Who knew that Ice T would be inspiring?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Getting My World in Shape

Getting in shape isn't easy.  Hell.  I haven't even done it yet officially, just made strides towards it.  I realized recently that when one thing is in disorder (like my body) that it is exceedingly hard to get it to where you want it if all your tools and your influences are out of order as well.  So I rearranged my side of the basement.  The man-cave now has a attractive, healthy looking partner on the north side of the room.  She needs some decor yet, especially on the walls, but she's looking good.  I hope to look good soon myself.

If only it were as easy to transform my body as it was to transform the room.  It's not easy.  In fact, I am once again writing this blog post to procrastinate doing the 30 Day Shred.  I've made it to day 8.  once I'm doing it, I'm good.  It's only 27 minutes total from warm-up to cool-down.  But for the life of me, I can not get motivated to start each day.  I have to drag myself downstairs after ages of excuses.  If any of y'all figure out the key to motivation please let me know.  I need it some of these days.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Just a PSA

This is a public service announcement to remind everyone of what is realistic when it comes to weight loss.  Not everyone can be or should be a size 0.

To determine what size build you have, simply extend your arm and with your free hand, wrap thumb and middle finger around the extended wrist.
  • If your middle finger and thumb overlap, you have a small frame
  • If your middle finger and thumb touch, you have a medium frame
  • If your middle finger and thumb do not meet, you have a large frame

It's HFS Day!

What?  You don't know what a HFS is?

It's the king of all diet foods.  It's Huge!  There is your first hint. 
  • It's delicious
  • 422 calories
  • Has bacon, cheese and hardboiled egg
  • You can literally gorge yourself and still might not finish it all

 It's a Huge F-ing Salad.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Fat Chick Cometh

I look like a fat-ass.

No, this isn't some insult to motivate ploy.  It is on purpose though.  I bought some Fila workout gear that is super soft, lightweight, comfy, and downright cute.  It is however, skin tight.  I can see every lump, bump, and handful of blubber that I want gone.  Thanks to the bright blue trim, all my body imperfections are perfectly highlighted.  Instead of buying my normal style of clothes, I decided to think outside the box.  I took a picture of myself wearing the outfit pre-workout (in fact I'm still pre-workout since I'm procrastinating by typing this because I'm kinda scared to start the 30 Day Shred program) so that I can compare pictures with future pictures and hopefully can really see the weight loss.

Will I share these pictures with you?  Yes.
Now?  Not a chance.  I can handle showing you a "before" pic.  Just not a "now" pic

It's kind of funny actually.  Refreshing too.  To be able to truly see what needs to be fixed.  I think taking a pic once a week is my plan.  Although, doing it every day and then making a video that shows me shrinking has a lot of appeal.  opinions?

As for this little piece of terror, It better work.  I'm watching my food like a hawk.  Starting pure today.  Completely clean eating.  Super simple foods.  Tonight will be grilled chicken breast with corn and a gripload of fresh pea pods.  Only water to drink.  I'm not even going to risk having tea.  Dang it Jillian Michaels. Your program claims I can "lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days!"  I'd be thrilled with half of that.  I'd be happy with 6 since that would put me at 20 pounds lost.  Heck, as long as I lose something I can deal.  I DO think I'm pretty darn determined though.  It there is a big loss waiting for me, I'm out to get it.  If the Shred fails, there is always Sweating to the Oldies right?  Right?

EDIT:  Oh my God.  I just finished my first day of the video and I've gotta tell you the following things:
  1. I hate that chick.  Not like personally, more like "Stop telling me to keep going while you just stand there talking about those of us that are actually doing the exercises!" and "She lies!  She said we were done and THEN we had to do bicycle crunches which sucked at the end."
  2. I had sweat pouring off my body at the end.
  3. I consider myself a polite woman but I was swearing like a sailor during the workout.
  4. Do not do the workout in the basement.  I almost didn't make it back up the stairs to the living room afterwards.
  5. I'm starving.

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Challenges to Ponder

I've been hearing a lot of people complain about hitting a plateau or just not losing.  It scares me.

I'm going to try my damnedest to avoid it and I am hoping switching up my workouts every two to four weeks will keep my body on it's toes.  Literally as well as figuratively since I do love my NYC ballet workout.  As the happy owner of the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels , I'm planning on kicking my own butt starting Monday.  Hard.  I just have to be careful to eat enough.  I'd also love to try the p90x system but don't have the money for weights, a pull up bar, or resistance bands. Especially since I'm not sure I can even stick with the program.  It looks really intense and I'm a bit of a chicken.  I know losing weight isn't easy, I just wish it was cheap.

My husband revealed on Wednesday that he has a dream and it's the hike of a lifetime.  I'm still in a bit of shock since he's always been very anti outdoor sports.  Not just traditional team sports, but including bouldering, climbing, canoeing, fishing, camping, and a number of other activities that might be described as "rugged activities."  He wants to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail.  All 2,181-ish miles of it, virtually non-stop, and it averages about 5 months to do it all. 
We would start in Maine in June of whatever year and then work our way south on foot to Georgia.  It's amazing.  I want to do it.  Who knows when?  I sure as heck don't.  But I want to be in shape when the time does come.  Nothing makes me as happy as the thought of a husband and wife adventure.  I figure I need my feet to be able to handle about 20 miles per day with moderate trail conditions.  I had better kick up the endurance!